PAGG Stack Review and Comparison – Pareto Nutrition vs NewHealth Solutions vs


Ever since the launch of the Four Hour Body, much attention has been lavished on the supplements that were recommended in the book for their effects on fat loss.

In the book, Tim Ferris calls them “The Four Horsemen of Fat Loss”. They are, Polisosanol, Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), Green Tea Extract (EGCG) and Garlic Extract (Allicin), or PAGG for short.

Tim recommends the PAGG Stack over the famed ECA stack, consisting of Ephedrine Hydrochloride, Caffeine and Aspirin. This is because while the ECA stack worked, it has quite a few undesired side effects, as Tim himself has experienced (pg 115-116 of the book), whereas the PAGG Stack has little or no side effects.

As a result, some have created customised stacks, following the amounts outlined in the book, while some companies resorted to selling PAGG bundles.

Here is the PAGG Stack in a nutshell:

P – Policosanol               23mg
A – Alpha Lipoic Acid       ALA 100-300mg, or R-ALA 50-150mg (Why R-ALA)
G – Green Tea Extract     EGCG 325mg
G – Garlic Extract           200mg Aged Garlic Extract (Allicin Potential, S-Allyl Cysteine)

Additional Vitamin B is recommended when consuming PAGG.

In this comparison, we will compare 3 different solutions:

Let’s find out which is the best PAGG Stack. It’s going to be quite we’ll break it up into a few sections, mainly (click on name to jump to that section):

  1. Ingredients and Dosage
  2. Convenience
  3. Manufacturing Quality and Relevence
  4. Cost
  5. Summary and Conclusion


1. Ingredients and Dosage

Policosanol, 23mg
Curiously, there isn’t any Policosanol in’s bundle. Did they forget?

Newhealth Solutions (
On the homepage, it is stated that it has 30mg of policosanol. However, on closer inspection, it actually only has 25mg, which is stated on both the bottle label and manufacturing batch proof.

*Update – they have updated the homepage to correctly reflect it as 25mg.

Pareto Nutrition
It has 23mg of Policosanol extracted from the leaves of olive plants, the exact amount specified in the book.


Alpha Lipoic Acid, 100-300mg, or 50-150mg R-ALA

Why R-ALA is preferable and only requires half the amount: PAGG Stack – Alpha Lipoic Acid
MRM’s Alpha Lipoic Acid is used for the bundle. 100mg per capsule, 60 capsules….only enough for 15 days, less if you want to take more per dose. And, it’s standard ALA, not R-ALA.

Newhealth Solutions (
Newhealth’s stack contains 300mg of standard ALA.

While their home page claims that they have 300mg of R-ALA, I believe they have misrepresented that claim.. If this is true, then they have double the amount recommended as you only need 150mg of R-ALA. That, cost of R-ALA, and the fact that standard ALA is listed on their manufacturing proof, seriously questions the integrity of that claim.Just do a quick search and you’d notice that no supplement companies ever passes off R-ALA as standard ALA products.

Update – They have updated their products to use 150mg of R-ALA

Pareto Nutrition
As previously discussed, standard ALA is actually an equal mixture of S-ALA and R-ALA, with R-ALA being the natural, more active and bioavailable form.  As S-ALA actually hinders and competes with R-ALA, only half of R-ALA is required to have the same, if not better effect than standard mixed ALA.

Pareto Nutrition has the required 150mg of R-ALA.

Update – R-ALA has been updated to 215mg of stabilised na-R-ALA to prevent damage from heat. Similar, if not more effective than the recommended standard 300mg ALA.


Green Tea Extract, 325mg EGCG 

Just a note: I noticed that many people mix ‘Green Tea Extract’ with EGCG. EGCG is a component of the extract, and is always represented by a percentage of the entire extract. In this case, 325mg of EGCG is required.

Example: A 500mg Green Tea Extract with 40% EGCG will only give you 200mg of EGCG. So be careful when you just see ‘Green Tea Extract’ with no indicated % of EGCG…these are lower quality ones…and there has never been 100% EGCG extracts.
Life Extention’s Decaffeinated Mega Green Tea Extract is used for the bundle. This is the same one recommended by Tim on his website and it contains 326.25mg of EGCG.

Newhealth Solutions (
This is interesting. They say they have 325mg of decaffeinated green tea extract, not EGCG. If you check their manufacturing proof, the yield of the active ingredient, EGCG, is only 50%. In other words, while they have 325mg of green tea extract, in actual fact, they only have 162.5mg of EGCG per pill. Half of what’s recommended.

Update – They have increased the amount to 542mg with an upgraded green tea extract with 60% EGCG, for 325mg of EGCG.

Pareto Nutrition
Pareto’s stack contains 542mg of decaffeinated green tea extract, with a 60% yield for the full 325mg of EGCG.


Garlic Extract, 200mg Aged Garlic Extract (Allicin Potential, S-Allyl Cysteine)
Olympian Lab’s Gold Garlic is used for the bundle. Allicin yield at 7200mcg per 600mg capsule. You can probably take this once or twice a day, given that the daily recommended amount is 800mg total.

Newhealth Solutions (
200mg of aged garlic extract per pill.

Pareto Nutrition
200mg of aged garlic extract. Allicin is very fragile. It breaks down within a day at room temperature and is destroyed by our acidic digestive system. So, Pareto Nutrition’s garlic formula focuses on S-Allyl Cysteine (alliin), the precursor to Allicin which is readily absorbed by the body.


Additional Vitamin B
Bodybuilding added Bodyquick as it was recommended for the ‘Geek To Freak’ chapter where you learn how to put on lots of muscle in very little time. It contains Vitamin B, but it’s an overkill to be part of PAGG.

Newhealth Solutions (
100mcg of Biotin, a form of Vitamin B complex.

Pareto Nutrition
100mcg of Biotin, a form of Vitamin B complex.

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2. Convenience
The least convenient option. As mentioned in my DIY vs Pre-Packaged PAGG Stack comparison, it’s a bit of a hassle to carry around so many different pills. I guess it’s o-k for daily usage, but carrying even a few days worth of pills while travelling to stay on track is a bit of a pain.

Newhealth Solutions (
1 day tablet per meal, 1 day and night tablet just before sleep. Total of 5 a day. Small night policosanol pills can be differentiated from normal day pills when lumped together for travelling convenience.

Update – they have made a totally new night tablet, so you only need to take the night tablet alone before sleep. A total of 4 a day.

Pareto Nutrition
1 red day capsule per meal, 1 blue night capsule just before sleep. Total of 4 a day. Coloured pills makes it easier  to differentiate when lumped together for travelling convenience.

Capsules are also known to be a better form of supplement delivery because the contents are not compressed. It’s easier to swallow with no after taste as well.

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3. Manufacturing Quality and Relevance

A Brief Description of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)

Food Grade GMP
Due to the random nature of food, discrepencies in actual nutritional values allowed (2 oranges, same amount of Vitamin C each?)
Pharmaceutical Grade GMP
Standard used to manufacturing medicine, no deviations allowed. If the label says 5mg, it must be tested to have 5mg, no more, no less.
Unable to determine to determine GMP certification due to variety of brands. Not quite as well, because of the lack of Policosanol and the addition of BodyQuick and Super Cissus RX. Cissus RX is actually recommended for speeding up recovery of injuries (under ‘Reversing Injuries’, pg 294-324) and not for fat loss.

Newhealth Solutions (
Pharmaceutical GMP. Opaque bottles to protect ALA’s from exposure to light. With their recent update to remove EGCG from the night stack following the changes as outlined in Tim’s blog post, they’ve become relevant.

Pareto Nutrition
Pharmaceutical GMP. Opaque capsules to protect R-ALA from exposure to light. Very relevant. Made changes almost immediately following Tim’s blog post. They even did some of their own research and decided to use higher quality R-ALA and Garlic Extracts with high S-Allyl Cysteine potential, a precursor to the required Allicin.

Update – R-ALA has been upgraded to 215mg of stabilised na-R-ALA to prevent damage from heat. The ingredient is more expensive, yet there’s no change in price!

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4. Cost (US$)
$99 for the whole stack. Pretty good value for money when you consider some of the stuff you’re getting, like Super Cissus RX. However, in terms of the PAGG Stack, it’s pretty expensive, because 1. You can buy all the ingredients separately for about $70, (on their own site…) and 2. It’s not complete. You’ll need the missing Policosanol and add ALA because it’s not enough.

Newhealth Solutions (
1 month supply = 30 days worth

1 Month Supply – $60
2 Month Supply – $110  or  $55/mth
4 Month Supply – $210  or  $52.50/mth
(prices above not inclusive of delivery)

Delivery –  US : $6.95
Worldwide Standard: $10.95 (2-3 weeks)
Worldwide Express:   $42.95 (2-5 days)
Delivery rates are flat. Worldwide Standard only available for up to 2 months supply.
Includes US, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore, etc

Pareto Nutrition
1 month supply = 26 days worth (minus 1 rest day each week)

1 Month Supply – $92
2 Month Supply – $153  or  $76.50/mth
3 Month Supply – $197  or  $65.67/mth
6 Month Supply – $348  or  $58/mth

Now with Free Worldwide Delivery for supplies of 2 months or more.
Includes US, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore, etc

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5. Summary and Conclusion PAGG Review Summary

What they are actually selling is not just the PAGG, but the ‘4 Hour Body Stack’, so it has other components other than the PAGG.

But here’s the thing, even the PAGG component is not complete, and if your purpose is to solely purchase PAGG, then this is not the solution. On the other hand, feel free to get it If you also want Cissus, BodyQuick and if you don’t mind the inconvenience of swallowing, carrying a ton of pills and the fact that you’ll still need to top up to get the missing Policosanol and more ALA.

Newhealth Solutions ( Stack Review Summarypagg stack newhealth

In summary:

  • Safe – Strict Pharmaceutical Grade GMP
  • Affordable – Final cost with delivery – US: $67 to $54 per month. International: $71 to $61 per month (only up to 2 months). Similar, if not cheaper, than the DIY approach.
  • Super Convenient – Great for everyday and travel use
  • Initial Lack of understanding – As a result, you get half the EGCG and they misrepresented their ALA component last time. Quite scary for a supplement formulator. Newhealth did contact me initially to insist that their interpretation was right. However, thankfully, they came around after a long discussion.

It used to be that I’d advise you to stay away from Newhealth, with good reason. Now that they’ve made the correct adjustments however, I have to say that they have become a viable choice.

Pareto Nutrition PAGG Stackpagg stack pareto

In summary:

  • Safe – Strict Pharmaceutical Grade GMP
  • Affordable – $92 to $58 per month with free international delivery for 2 months or more. Similar, if not cheaper, than the DIY approach.
  • Super Convenient – Great for everyday and travel use. Capsules, so no after taste and is easier to swallow.
  • High Quality – Right amounts of high quality ingredients that are not compressed
  • Relevant – Always updated and improving. Great understanding of products and ingredients. Claims are made with evidence.
  • Professional – They got their facts right from the beginning and provides great customer service
  • Therefore, in my opinion, the best choice


Winner – Pareto Nutrition

Click here to get Pareto Nutrition’s PAGG Stack
 Free Worldwide Delivery with Minimum 2 Month Supply 

Runner Up – Newhealth Solutions (

Click here to get Newhealth Solutions’ PAGG Stack


Where to get:
Pareto Nutrition’s PAGG Stack – Click Here
Newhealth Solutions PAGG Stack – Click here’s 4 Hour Body Stack – Click Here

Get the PAGG Stack Separately in the US – Click Here
Get the PAGG Stack Separately Worldwide – Click Here

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  1. Aaron says

    Just came off a thread on 4-HBtalk.

    It's about another PAGG supplier:

    Had some concerns, here are my observations which I posted on the thread:

    ———————— looks very similar to Newhealth Solution's stuff:

    1. Buypagg has more more EGCG then Newhealth, though I doubt it, because

    a. There are no labels in the market that show 100% EGCG. All products always show the green tea extract and the EGCG Yield, example, 1000mg green tea extract, 45% EGCG for 450mg EGCG.

    b. I've never seen a 100% egcg yield for green tea extract, it’s usually 40-60%.

    (To learn more about reading labels, Click Here)

    I fear Buypagg may have fallen into the same trap, thinking that green tea extract = EGCG.

    2. Both Buypagg and Newhealth does not follow Tim's clarification blog post which removes EGCG from the night stack
    3. Both use standard ALA instead of the higher quality R-ALA (Why R-ALA)

    I do my best to try and make sense of the flood of information around us, like how LED TVs are actually LCD TVs with a different bulb…but yea, hope you guys find the above useful when making your decisions"


    Thinking of whether I should incorporate it into the post or create a seperate one altogether… I want it to be informative but digestible… We'll see. Comments welcomed

  2. laz says

    Can you disclose which of the PAGG suppliers routes you income through advertising and referrals?

    1. Aaron says

      Sure, and my apologies for not disclosing this earlier, thanks for reminding me to put it up in my disclaimer.

      There’re no paid advertisements here at the moment.

      Most of the links you see here are affiliate links. In this case, they are Pareto, Newhealth and Bodybuilding – all affiliate links.

      I’ve also contacted the individual companies, in this case Pareto, Newhealth and in another article, Dr’s Best, to question them, if required, but generally to get a feel for who they are, what they do and most importantly, if they know what they are doing.

      So I’m proud of my work because I’ll only recommend stuff I really believe is great while keeping options open.

      And no…I’m not paid to do the reviews. That’ll be nice, but nobody would want to…because if it sucks…I’d still say it sucks…and I won’t give a refund. Hah!

  3. Joseph says

    Just curious, are you currently purchasing your supplies from Pareto? or still DIY-ing from iHerb?

    1. Aaron says

      I started DIY from iHerb, now I’m using Pareto’s though.

      Doesn’t make sense to continue with DIY. Cost is very similar (or cheaper, if you get 3 / 6 months supply), free delivery, and much more convenient coz you only need 1 pill instead of 3-4 each time. Easy to carry around also.

      GNC and Nature’s Farm are ripoffs yea? So I still use iHerb for other stuff. Just got a huge bottle of calcium citrate for my mom and a friend’s getting a huge bottle of omega 3.

  4. Aaron says


    If anybody knows how to get wordpress to display long articles like this across multiple pages…please drop me an email


  5. Marc says

    to paginate your posts all you have to do is add <!–nextpage–> into the html code of the post where you want it to go to the next page. There are plugins that will make it easier, but its a simple as that, and doesn't require more server resources that a plugin adds


    1. Aaron says

      Lovely, though I’m looking for a way that allows the ‘next page’ to be titled.

      Fantastic site you have! Too bad Airsoft’s banned in Singapore =(

  6. georgia says

    are there any suggestions for those who have a hard time swallowing pills?

    1. Aaron says

      I see 2 main options:

      1. Get the packaged stuff from Pareto or Newhealth so that you only swallow 1 pill at a time


      2. Don’t use it at all. No, really. After all, diet and exercise is the core.

  7. Allen says

    Thank you for your reviews! A few random thoughts, as I remember them…

    I agree, GNC's not usually a favorite, however today they have New Health Solutions' 1 month stack for $39.95. Pareto's price made me balk before, but at this price I'm gonna have to give a little support to GNC today =o)

    Under #3 you dismiss CQ, stating TF recommends it for speeding up injury recover and not for fat loss. However on pg 125 (according to my digital edition) he says that when it is used in combination with PAGG it seems to have synergistic anti-obesity as well as anabolic (muscle growth) effects. He proceeds to give additional information in support of this.

    I apologize for not going back and re-reading to find them, but there are a few comments regarding NS's ALA and ECGC that left me unsure if they are comments on past doses and labeling, or current. From what I can find online, it appears they use R-ALA and have correct doses of that and everything else, including ECGC.

    I've been researching the last 2 days straight, but still am not as informed as you. I'm just trying to make sure that if I am going to pay a premium for things like American Greens and Pareto's PAGG, there are not other products out there near the same level of quality for, in the case of Pareto and NewHealth Solutions, for example, 2/3 the cost (not including today's special at GNC).

    Gotta get back to my job so I guess I'll end here, but thanks again for your information-filled reviews!

    1. Aaron says

      Thanks for the heads up on CQ. You can add it if you want, but it’s not the core P-A-G-G, so I feel that it’s optional. The rest of my comments of the package from Bodybuilding stands though.

      Newhealth Solutions’ accurate now. What happened was after I wrote this PAGG Stack Review, they contacted me and tried to justify their stance, but after a lengthy discussion, they agreed with my concerns and decided to correctly update their formula and adjust their labels.

      With regards to the premiums, it is very expensive if you buy 1 month, that’s why I recommended getting at least 2 months to take advantage of the savings and free delivery (for Pareto). I’ve bought the ‘DIY’ PAGG and the packaged PAGG, and I find that, IF you decide to get the PAGG, it’s cheaper and much more convenient to get the packaged version.

      So it’s really up to you. My real purpose for writing this PAGG Stack Reivew was to make sure you guys make the right decision based on the right facts. The problem with supplements is that it’s not as regulated as medicine (well, coz for medicine, you could die because of a simple numerical error, etc) and that there are soooo many ways to present the same thing, companies can mislead and people often get confused.

      Like EGCG, one can pass off Green Tea Extract as pure EGCG or give a low EGCG content and charge a cheaper price but marketing it as being equal.

      I try my best to make things simple with some background information tit bits to keep the right perspective.

      My concern is that sometimes, I may be too long winded or put in too much information! Make sure you guys let me know if that happens!

      In the meantime, thanks for all your support!

  8. Terry Bandy says

    Hmm is anyone else having problems with the images on this blog loading?
    I’m trying to determine if its a problem on my end or if it’s
    the blog. Any responses would be greatly appreciated.

  9. Jason Houghton says

    You definitely have a lot of info here, and reading this covers a lot of my questions. Thank you. However, I live in Australia. The only means of getting PAGG here is DIY or order from the US. I read that ALA does not like light. How well do these products cope with the thermal variations found in storage of a longhaul international flight. I have questioned a couple of PAGG Stack suppliers and have not been given any definite answer other than ” it should be ok” That’s alot of money and effort for “should”

    1. Aaron says


      I’ve been checking it out, heat tolerances seem to be normal. It’s not really a sensitivity to heat, but more of sunlight, or specifically, UV-A.

      Honestly, it’s really hard to say because I don’t think anybody’s done a proper test, but most supplement bottles are opague and kept in packaging, so it really ‘should be’ fine. I’m sorry I can’t provide a better conclusion lol.

      All the products reviewed here have either opague bottles and/or opague capsules, and the pagg stack by pareto even uses a stable form of R-ALA to make it more hardy to entropy. Also, shipping tends to be in envelopes and cardboard boxes, so I really doubt your orders will be compromised in any way. Please order with confidence.

  10. SK says

    can you please advise if paretto PAGG Stack is all-natural

  11. Elang says

    I’m just going to be honest here, PAGG Stack is not that good, it is not suited for long terms, please dont try

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