PAGG Stack Singapore


Hello my Singaporean brothers and sisters!

If you want to buy the PAGG Stack, instead of buying them seperately, I suggest you get them in packaged form from either of these 2 suppliers:

Pareto Nutrition – Recommended

Newhealth Solutions

You can read why I recommend getting the packaged stack here and why I recommend Pareto Nutrition in my review and comparison.

But in the off chance that you want to buy the components seperately, I suggest gettting them from iHerb.

Why iHerb?

Because….everything is cheaper and shipping to SG is fast and affordable! I use it for everything now, from organic spices, essential oils and shampoos to supplements for my friends and family.

There’s also a practical reason for it – you won’t be able to find Policosonal in local stores.

I actually created another site,, to show everyone how overpriced local supplements are and how you can save butt loads of money by getting them from iHerb, so head over to have a look if you would like more savings examples.

Or, if you would prefer to just head on to iHerb straight away, then use the link I’ve created that automatically adds all the PAGG components, the exact brands and products, into your shopping cart by clicking here.

It’s also a good place to get cheap, organic Yerba Mate tea for the cheat day boost – don’t worry, it’s super cheap (unlike Unity’s price!).

Remember to use coupon code ZEL439 to get 5% your order of US$40 and above. Reusable for future orders too!



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