Top 3 Athletic Greens Alternatives


I think Athletic Greens is Great.

Simple in concept, fantastic potential!

Think about it…some of the most nutritious greens in the world, ground up into a concentrated powder. So, you get all the vitamins, minerals, bioflavanoids and other fantastic sounding goodness in just one small scoop of powder.


1. It’s only available in the USCanada, and Europe (Free 20 pouches using these links)

2. To ship it monthly outside of these countries is still prohibitively expensive

It’s a great product and many have used it with great results (review here).  So, if you’re lucky to be in the above countries, feel free to get it by clicking on the respective countries as listed above.

For me though, I’ve done the calculations : I’d have to pay approximately S$140 (US$114-ish) a month if I were to ship it to Singapore. I feel that it’s too much of an expense for me. I had to find similar alternatives.

After days of research and reading through numerous reviews (you have no idea..) , I decided on these three athletic greens alternative:


1. Vitamineral Green

athletic greens alternatives vitamineral greenThis is my primary choice as an alternative for Athletic Greens. Let me give you the summary from a reputable green drinks review site:

One of the most robust and high-quality green drinks on the market…for an excellent price. Excellent quality of ingredients and lab standards. High in all important ingredients and no waste or filler. Comes in glass jars, not plastic.

None. This is the best formula on the market.

Many reviews sing to the same tune. You should read the user reviews at the given links as well. Lots of fantastic stories of short and long term gains.

I guess it’s not surprising that this is also an award winning product as it has been voted for Best / Favourite Green Superfood by and

Vitamineral Green is a ‘Truganic’ product. Apparently, it’s quite easy to get your products certified as ‘organic’ nowadays. Truganic products undergo very strict tests which Organic products don’t go through, like having 100% GMO and Pesticide free verifications.

Comes in powder or capsule form. Capsule’s convenient and great for those who can’t stand the taste of grass. But I believe it’s 1 more calorie for the capsule.


Where to Purchase (500g or 400cap Bottles)
US/Canada: AmazoniHerb
International: iHerb
Use the code ‘ZEL439‘ at iHerb to save US$5 + 5% off your 1st purchase of US$40 or more

Vitamineral Greens in Singapore:
It’s selling locally for S$124.95 (the bigger 500g/400caps bottle). Buying from iHerb is about S$78 alone w/delivery.


2. Green Vibrance

My secondary choice.

It’s one of the original green drinks on the market and one of the greatest, with lots of good reviews to back it up.

A very good, well balanced formula with a large variety of greens and it is fortified with a good selection of herbs, such as gingko bibola and milk thistle.

Green Vibrance
US/Canada: AmazoniHerb
International: iHerb
Use the code ‘ZEL439‘ at iHerb to save US$5 + 5% off your 1st purchase of US$40 or more


3. Amazing Grass Green Superfood

My third choice for a green superfood drink.

Does not have much in terms of herbal fortifications.

It is however, the most affordable amongst the three and, much like Athletic Greens, does an excellent job in covering the basics with a large variety of grasses.

Good if you’re on a budget and want to have the basics covered.

Amazing Grass
US/Canada: Amazon, iHerb
International: iHerb
Use the code ‘ZEL439‘ at iHerb to save US$5 + 5% off your 1st purchase of US$40 or more



Tips for taste:
I always keep a small bottle filled with freshly squeezed lemon juice so that I can quickly add a few drops when drinking plain water. A few drops into the green drink mixtures makes it much more palatable as well. Also, I like them with lemon tea because it adds nice earthiness and texture. Give these ideas a try!


  1. Arjen says

    A tip for people like you and me who are in Europe: you CAN order from i just did, becaus iHerb is out of stock for Vitamineral Green. All you have to do is create an account at and they will give you a US postal address, so Amazon will deliver to that address. Then Borderlinx will forward it to you home address, and, of course, you have to pay the shipping cost for that, but those are regular shipping cost so no big deal.

  2. Aaron says


    Though i just got an email last night that iHerb’s back in stock =D

    It’s still cheaper and faster, because of the weight, Vitamineral greens needs at least a DHL option, but it’s about US$10 delivery for 2-5days.

    So our friends in europe, iHerb’s option’s still great but if iHerb’s out of stock and you don’t mind a slightly longer waiting time, go ahead with the amazon + borderlix combo.

  3. Rakhi says

    iherb are back out of stock!!!!

    1. Aaron says

      er…you meant back in stock? coz it is =D

  4. Bryce Leo says

    No mention of "Vegetable Greens" by ultimate nutrition? I always felt it was the best alternative.

    1. Aaron says

      Looks pretty good, though I’ve not really seen any reviews for this product.

      I would say that it’s quite similar to Green Vibrance, with a little more herbal support, though some people might not like the fact that it has stevia. Its maple syrup powder would be subjective though.



    1. Aaron says

      That’s great to hear man!

      You’re an inpiration for all of us!

  6. Christy says

    Could you check on VItal Greens as well? I can get it easily in the UK (and Australia for region of South East Asia).

    1. Aaron says

      As with my reply to Emma's comment in the Athletic Greens review, it's very similar and I'd gladly recommend it if it's available in your region.

      There might not be many left in the UK though, from what I understand, the Europe branch has stopped business.

      Grab what you can!

      Closer to home in South East Asia, I calculated shipping and found that it's cheaper for me to bring in Athletic Greens from the US than Vital Greens from Australia. Yea. Crazy right?

  7. kimee says

    im in France and no Athletic greens here same as UK, so finally which alternative do you prefer? Iwant to try it
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Aaron says

      As per my post, Vitamineral Greens,
      You can get them from in Powder or Capsule form.

  8. kimee says

    Thanks a lot Aaron for your reply

    1. Aaron says

      any time

  9. Lasse says

    But aren't iHerb situated in USA? Doesn't it mean that we here in Europe easily will be payin toll anyway? Isn't it possible to order Vitamineral Greens inside Europe?

    1. Aaron says

      Yeap, you’ll need to pay the relevant tolls, so you’ll need to take that into account. Do check with your immigration department, they should have a website with more information.

      As for getting it in europe…so far, not that I know off. From what I understand, many get it through iHerb though.

    2. Aaron says

      I've not done the math to find out how much cheaper, but based on feedback and from what I understand however, it's definitely cheaper, even after taxes.

  10. Jordo says

    Can anyone point in the right direction to source Athletic Greens in Australia or the best alternative?

    1. Aaron says

      As mentioned….Athletic Greens is not yet available in Australia…

      As for the best alternatives, well, welcome to the post about ‘Top 3 Athletic Greens Alternatives’

  11. Shazmin says

    This has been around for ages and looks a lot better:

    1. Aaron says

      It’s a slightly different product because it’s designed as a meal replacement, not as a supplement.

      Looks pretty decent, imagine amazing grass + protein and fibre. I guess it’s an ok meal replacement, but for almost half the price, you get get Garden of Life’s Raw Meal, a highly regarded product and brand in vegan circles. Also 14 full meals, but less than US$40 instead of US$74.97

  12. Shazmin says

    In Uk you can still buy direct from – no need to go thru a third party

    1. Aaron says

      Why I suggest iherb is because it could be cheaper, especially with the weak US dollar.

      Do make sure it's still viable after taxes though. Even until now, I'm still not exactly sure how imports are going to be taxed in the UK, what with so many layers and all.

  13. Maggie says

    how did you get Athletic Greens from the US? i couldnt found any website that can ship overseas..

    1. Aaron says

      Technically you can, via forwardsing services like comgateway, but that means spending more time and money, not worth it imho.

  14. Riaz says


    I realise that this is an article about your top 3 alternatives to AG and that you've already mentioned them, but where would you rate SunWarrior's Ormus Super Greens?

    The reason being that I only found this site this morning and already ordered the SunWarrior product last night! Lol I paid around US$65 (from ebay incl shipping fees to UK) for it, which I thought was pretty reasonable after looking at the alternatives.


    1. Aaron says

      It’s interesting because they don’t provide any supplement facts of ingredients list on their site.

      From what I can find however, it’s unusually basic, just 8 ingredients + stevia to taste.

      I’d dare say that even amazing grass is more comprehensive. If you want a vegan product however, do try our Vitamineral Greens. You can ship it in from iherb in capsule or powder form.

  15. Nicola says

    Hi. Thanks fr the reviews, very informative. I note that the formula for Athletic Greens being sold in Europe is very different from that in the US. The amount of vitamins & minerals is lower, in some cases substantially (you can view the ingredients list & nutritional content on their respective websites – as a PDF of the labels). I assume your review was done on the US version – how do you feel about the European version ? I am reluctant to pay through the nose for a sub-standard European product.

    1. Aaron says

      I’m not surprised because we are dealing with real foods here, so the batch they sent for approval in the EU may yield different amounts of vitamins/minerals.

      Think about it – you have 2 oranges from the same tree, 1 has 4x more vitamin c than the other. Which one has more?

      That’s why if you noticed, I focused more on the actual ingredients than the vitamin/mineral content, which as far as I can tell, are similar, if not exactly the same.

      I’ll highlight this and get back to you.

  16. Josh says

    Hey Aaron,

    You heard of the beyond tangy tangerine? wouldnt mind your opinion on that its so hard to determine the good from the bs nowadays with all the companys using synthetic vitamins and minerals or cutting corners and doing anything to make it cheaper to manufacture and max profits. Frustrating dont want to waste my money on crap, got the enerfoods atm which isn't too bad

    1. Aaron says

      It’s a network marketing product, but that’s fine, because some of the best supplements in the world are from network marketing companies.

      I can’t really tell though, because I can’t seem to find an ingredients list, only the nutritional facts. I’ll keep an eye out for it.

  17. Rex says

    The only thing I can figure that is giving the athletic greens the energy boost is the caffiene in the green tea.

    1. Aaron says

      unlikely, because energy from caffeine comes in a burst and it lasts for a short while.

  18. Fabio says

    Ok, I'm really disappointed with Athletic Greens. In their USA site says it costs 77$. And in their UK site says 77€… C'mon guys? Currency change anyone? And when I go to check out the order…it says 87€ o.O, 83 if i do the loyalty thing, plus 13€ of shipping… Are this company even serious?

    1. Aaron says

      Things do tend to get expensive once exported due to things like taxes, manpower costs and a stronger currency (which the euro currently is?)

      Do try the alternatives if cost is really an issue

  19. cb says

    thanks so much for this inof and forum. my question is what si your evaluation of akea which provides superfoods plus enzymes plus proitoics adn hwodoes it compare as a product and prioce to the others (im in usa). thank you.  cb

    1. Aaron says

      No problems, I'll do my best.

      Akea's ingredients are minimal, so not as comprehensive, though they have a few good ones. I'd still prefer Vitamineral Greens however, when consider that it has probiotics as part of itself, whereas Akea's probiotics is a separate product

  20. Ty says

    I've read that the reason Athletic Greens works so well is specifically due to its combination of broccoli, green tea extract, and spirulina… somehow gets your body to absorb more nutrients from the foods you already eat. Know anything about that?

    1. Aaron says

      that is actually new to me, I'll need to check it out

  21. Kevin says

    Any information you are willing to share regarding the pros and cons associated with powders and capsules (i.e. powder vs capsule). The obvious would be saving time or eating on the run for hte capsules and the taste component associated. But for the money, does it matter which one you take (I am asking most specifically regarding Vitamineral Green).


    1. Aaron says

      Sup Kevin,

      More to do with convenience and packaging since they’re exactly the same products.

      So, if you travel a lot or don’t like the taste of green products, maybe get the capsule, but if you want to add it to your drinks/smoothies, etc, getting the powder version would make sense yea?

      Get what you like =)

  22. Syafiq says

    I'm staying in Malaysia and the best that I can get here is Green Vibrance from ebay. But I heard Greensplus is good too. It is 2nd choice of Romaniello. His 1st choice is Athletic Greens. Can you comment abit about Greensplus?

    1. Aaron says

      Get from, it’s cheaper, both the product and delivery cost. Get US$10 off your order of US$40 and above if you use the discount code ZEL439.

      As for greensplus, it looks quite similar to amazing grass. You can give them a try if you want to

  23. Alberta M. Lloyd says

    I had attempted to order Athelic Greens four(4) times unsuccessfully.  I was given a tracking number also a order number/ never recieved procuct.  I feel this was delibrate not sent because this was a promotional challenge for 21 days to try the product paying only S&H only.  Although I am only 1 person that is really dumb. after 4th attempt I just cancelled everything and asked for the return of my S&H.  I REALLY DO WANT TO TRY THIS PRODUCT but it left me hesitant to try again because of the incompetent people who are responsible for the orders.

    1. Aaron says

      =\ Did you contact AG about this? What about the shipping company?

      I doubt they’d do this deliberately, unless they’re really greedy and stupid, which they’re not. Greedy and smart? Maybe, but stupid enough to try and sabotage a customer’s order and get a bad reputation for it? Nah. Unlikely.

      Or maybe it’s a sign to tell you that you don’t need to use that AG? XD

  24. Mike says

    I've been using athletic greens for about a week now and am blown away. No wonder they have a free trial. I am hooked. I take it this review was simply by label and not by use?

    1. Aaron says

      No, this is both by label AND use.

      The full review where I test all 4 products against each other based on usage experience is here: Athletic Greens Review and Comparison

      Glad to see someone benefiting from AG… because it shows that I’m right XD

  25. Will T says


    What  about Purity Products Perfect Multi Super Greens?

  26. Deanna says

    What do all of you think about the "It Works" Greens?  Considerably less expensive, but I would love to see a comparison to Athletic Greens & others you mentioned. Thanks for all the info & comments!!

  27. Moaraj Hasan says

    I was really excited about finding an alternative to athletic green with won’t buy Vitamineral Green because:
    Scroll to the bottom of the ingredient page you see the text
    “Energenesis™ Energetic Enhancements: • Magnetic • Vibrational+”
    What the hell does that mean. That’s the kind of BS that shows me they don’t really know what they’re doing, not well researched, not interested.

    1. Aaron says

      erm. I suggest you look at what they’ve done to the product instead of buzzwords to decide if they know what they’re doing.

      1. Amasal says

        Not my buzz words, their buzz words. If they put this kind of crap in their marketing material, who knows whats in the actual suppkement

  28. Diane says

    The one fact that I liked about Athletic Greens is that it did NOT have Iron and it is hard to find another brand that has close to the comparable ingredients that dosen’t have Iron. Most older women should not supplement Iron. I live in Canada and the price is prohibitive when you factor in shipping, customs and exchange fees. I am hoping that I will be able to get it through GNC here for a more reasonable price.

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