Athletic Greens Review and Comparison


This is a Athletic Greens review. Click to get Athletic Greens here

Athletic Greens has been touted as the be all and end all of green superfood drinks. I mean, they are convinced that simply calling it a ‘Greens Formula’ is too passé, and that it should be treated as ‘The Ultimate Nutritional Insurance’ instead.

Now, I’m generally healthy with no serious ailments like gout or diabetes (thank goodness!). So while I can’t make any claims about recovering from such ailments, I appreciate quality, and as always, want to put all the confusing information available out there into perspective.

I noticed one thing though, many Athletic Greens ‘reviews’ are more like endorsements, with only a few true, honest ‘reviews’. (Plenty of copycats now eh? lol.)

I hope that by doing a proper review and comparison I can help you make an informed decision.

Here are the stars for today:

  • Healthforce Vitamineral Green
  • Green Vibrance
  • Amazing Grass: Green Superfood
  • Athletic Greens

The products used for this comparison were mentioned in my other post, Top 3 Athletic Greens Alternatives. They were chosen because of their generally popularity and reputation for being some of the best green drinks in the market.

There’s one thing I won’t do however, which is to go into a ingredient by ingredient comparison. It would confuse and over-complicate things because of the sheer number of ingredients and overlaps. Instead, I’ll do a general feel for the different products and highlight important differences when required.

Let’s get to it then. I’ll break the whole review down into these categories:

  1. Ingredients
  2. Taste
  3. Results and Feel
  4. Cost
  5. Summary
  6. Overall Conclusion


1. Ingredients


Vitamineral Green
1 table spoon per serving, though there’s no indication of how many grams that is. I’d expect this to be about 10-12grams per tablespoon. It’s very finely ground, among the finest of the 4. It also feels similar in weight to the 12grams of  Green Vibrance and Athletic Greens.

I don’t know what came over me one day but I decided to take it without mixing it in water. I choked for about 2 minutes because it was up my nose and down my throat. So, yea, it’s very fine. Definitely not as palatable as milo powder, straight from the can, lol.

Green Vibrance
1 tablespoon per serving at 12grams each. A measured spoon is provided for convenience.

Amazing Grass: Green Superfood
1 tablespoon per serving at 8grams each. This has the coarsest powder amongst the 4, probably explains why you get less per tablespoon. A measured spoon is also provided.

Athletic Greens
1 tablespoon per serving at 12grams each.


Superfood Grasses, Herbs and Antioxidants

Vitamineral Green
The problem with Vitamineral Green is that they don’t provide a detailed breakdown of the amount of ingredients used. They recommend another product, Vitamineral Earth, to complement Vitamineral Greens. It seems like Vitamineral Earth’s focus is on herbs, so even though there is some in Vitamineral Greens, I would expect it to be mostly greens, with the herbs in smaller amounts. Has some pretty good ingredients though, like Basil, Moringa and Nettle, so it’s still a pretty robust formula.

Green Vibrance
At first glance having 71 ingredients seem like a lot and that it should get everything covered. Once you look at the ingredients list however, you find that the formula is heavily biased towards grasses, with spirulina and wheat grass topping the list. That’s not a bad thing, but it’s a waste because they do have very good herbs and antioxidants in the mix, like Acerola Berry, Ginko Bibola and Grape Seed Extract, though only in trace amounts with little mineral support. An above average formula.

Amazing Grass: Green Superfood
The most basic formula with grasses with some antioxidants. The ‘light and fluffy’ ingredients, combined with its relatively coarse consistency, probably explains why you get less in a tablespoon.

Athletic Greens
A very robust and well rounded formula. Lots of grasses, herbs, antioxidants and minerals. Great ingredients like Grape Seed Extract, Acerola Cherry, Wolf Berry (Goji) and some pretty expensive ones like Co-enzyme Q10 and Siberian Ginseng Roots. It’s important to note that if you take the amount of ingredients (as opposed to just the variety) into account, Athletic Greens has easily 3-4 times more herbs, antioxidants and minerals than Vitamineral Greens and Green Vibrance.

In short, it’s less diluted with greens and grasses, and has more herbs, adaptogens, antioxidants and minerals per unit weight of powder.

Another important difference in their ingredients – they have many concentrated extracts instead of pure ingredients. You remove the excess fibre to get the nutrient essence. It’s similar to traditional chinese medicine where the herbs are almost never consumed whole but are boiled down into a concentrate. It’s like getting the goodness of a whole broccoli in a few drops. That explains why you get more goodies even though the serving amount is the same.


Digestives and Allergens

Enzymes – Helps break down food
Probiotics – Promotes bacteria growth for a healthy digestive system. Fundamental and more important.

Vitamineral Green
It has some digestives, using enzymes and probiotics in the form of Natural Soil Organisms or NSOs.

Its formula is free of GMOs, gluten, yeast, dairy and is vegan friendly. No indication of Soy though. They take pride in their ‘Truganic’ certification, which is supposedly much stricter and pure than being ‘Organic’. So, practically speaking, you can consider Vitamineral Greens a 100% ‘Organic++’ product.

Green Vibrance
12 strains of probiotic cultures for a total of about 25 billion of the tiny little guys. Now, it’s interesting because while it’s certainly dairy free, it seems like most of their strains are dairy based. So, it’s GMO, yeast and gluten free, vegan friendly and mostly made from organic sources, but it has soy-based lecithin and while it’s dairy free, some strains of probiotics are most likely based on dairy.

Amazing Grass: Green Superfood
It has some enzymes and probiotics, but again, it’s a very basic formula, so nothing to shout about. It says it’s gluten and soy free as well as vegan. As for the rest, there’s no indication, so it’s probiotics could also be dairy based. Its ingredients are mostly organic.

Athletic Greens
Has good digestive support in the form enzymes and mushroom formulas. Though it may have fewer probiotics compared to Green Vibrance with 2 strains and a 7 billion count, it’s not dairy-based, which is a plus point.

It’s also very proud of being pure, declaring on it’s label that it’s mostly organic with no GMOs, herbicides, pesticides, synthetic chemicals, artificial flavours or colours, preservatives and sweeteners. It goes on to say that it has no wheat, dairy, gluten, corn, lactose, sucrose, dextrose, egg, yeast, peanuts or animal products. Even its lecithin is not based on soy. From here you can tell, they go one step further, making sure that not only is Athlete Greens free from allergens, but their ingredient sources are not based on allergens as well.



2. Tasteathletic greens vs vitamineral green

Vitamineral Green
Grassy and a little earthy. Imagine grass + mushrooms. Some may find it a little strong. Kinda like it though, but that’s me.

Green Vibrance
Grassy and a little hint of fruits. Not as strong, slightly neutral.

Amazing Grass: Green Superfood
Grassy and light, easy on the palate.

Athletic Greens
Athletic Green’s taste was the best bunch…which caught me by surprise. Never knew a great tasting green drink was possible! Tastes almost like a light papaya smoothie and goes surprisingly well with vanilla whey protein.

Taste is, of course, subjective. What may be good to me may be different for someone else. If you can’t take the taste, try adding some fruit juice (not too much of course..sugar), or drop some lemon juice into the mix.



3. Results and Feel

I didn’t want the benefits of the slow carb diet to seep into my results. So, I did this test on a normal diet, with junk food, over 68 days. Took each product for a 10 days, with a week’s break between each product.  Note however that such products should be taken continuously long term for best results.

Vitamineral Green
The most obvious improvement after taking Vitamineral Green was bowel movements. Other benefits like alertness and energy came slowly, with slight improvement towards the end of the 10 days.

Green Vibrance
There was an obvious improvement in bowel movements as well. That should be expected because if nothing else, you’re getting more veggies and fibre. Also a slight improvement in general towards the end of the 10 days. Can’t really tell the difference between taking Green Vibrance and Vitamineral Green.

Amazing Grass: Green Superfood
Apart from improved bowel movements, I didn’t really feel much difference with this product.

Athletic Greens
The difference for Athletic Greens was very obvious from day 3. I was much more alert and I could last longer when exercising. I could also wake up earlier with less lethargy even on a normal diet with lots of carbs. Digestion has improved as well.

Not only that, but the acne I started having a little acne at the side of my face a couple of months back was slowly fading away. Talk about ‘seeing is believing’. Interesting.



4. Cost US$

Vitamineral Green
Average of about $50 for 500g or about 18oz, roughly a 45 day supply. Also available in capsule form for travel convenience.

Price can double or triple, depending on how many complementing products you want to get to achieve similar coverage.

Green Vibrance
About $60 for 60 days supply. Also available in capsule form for travel convenience.

Again, price can double or triple, depending on how many complementing products you want to get to achieve similar coverage.

Amazing Grass: Green Superfood
About $38 for 60 days supply

Athletic Greens
1 bottle = 360g, 30 servings

1 Bottle – $127.00
1 Bottle (loyalty, monthly auto refill) – $97.00
2 Bottles Double Dose (monthly auto refill) – $177.00 or $88.5/bottle

Shipping not included, be prepared to spend at least $8, depending on the option you choose.


5. Athletic Greens Review and Comparison – Summary

Vitamineral Green
A high quality product created by an individual that’s passionate about life giving foods. Complementing products are available to cover vitamin, mineral and other requirements. I must say that I’m a little disappointed, partly because I expected a lot from Vitamineral Green. In the end, it gave me similar results to Green Vibrance, for the 10 days at least.

Assuming both are equal however, Vitamineral Green really feels like a higher quality product, with very finely ground ingredients in a glass bottle. Their reliance on their higher in-house standards like ‘Truganic’ and its unique probiotic strategy also gives peace of mind.

Green Vibrance
A robust greens formula that’s been fortified with a good mix of herbs, antioxidants and prebiotics, though there could have been more of it. Complementing products are available to cover vitamin, mineral and other requirements. Pretty good overall, and a good competitor with Vitamineral Green.

Amazing Grass: Green Superfood
A basic greens formula. It shows in its ingredients and hence, it’s price. Complementing products are available to cover vitamin, mineral and other requirements. It’s still a convenient way to get your daily dose of veggies, but you shouldn’t expect much apart from that.

Athletic Greens
At first glance, it seems like the most expensive solution. However, after really studying it thoroughly, it’s actually quite affordable. Why? Because Athletic Greens has the most well rounded formula, covering all the bases. Except for for oil based ingredients, like Omega 3 and Vitamin D3, which can’t be added into the powder, there’s no need to buy a ‘complementing’ product, and therein lies its secret. It’s like getting a computer with all the best accessory options already in, or a premium package make-up set. Rather than get a cheaper formula and then ‘topping-up’ later, you get everything off the bat.

One can also appreciate the attention to detail. From non-allergen sources of ingredients to a surprisingly tasty flavour base using ingredients that are natural and beneficial. Most importantly however, the improvements from using this product is obvious..and that’s what we want isn’t it..results?


6. Athletic Greens Review and Comparison – Overall Conclusion

  • athletic greens review pouchHigh quality ingredients with a solid mix of greens, herbs, antioxidants and minerals
  • High quality extracts allows all the important nutrients to be squeezed in the same teaspoon of powder
  • No allergens. Even ingredients are from non-allergen origins
  • Tastes surprisingly good
  • Gives results
  • Value for money, all-in-one, no ‘complementing’ products needed

I must say upfront that I’m not a fan of their pushy hyped-up presentation. That seems to form the bulk of complaints about Athletic Greens in fact.

Apart from that, the only thing that’s stopping me from getting Athletic Greens monthly is availability outside the listed countries, or the lack of it. I was able to secure a bottle after a fortunate turn of events but despite my short experience with Athletic Greens, I can say that, in this case, there is no hype and you get what you pay for, which is a high quality product that’s good really for your health and surprisingly tasty to boot.

Don’t take my word for it, just look at the comments. Complaints are about the logistics while praises are for athletic greens itself, many from experience from competing products.

If Athletic Greens is not an option, I sincerely urge you to consider Healthforce’s Vitamineral Green for quality, or Green Vibrance if you need something that’s easier on the tastebuds. To get similar coverage as Athletic Greens however, you’d need to purchase quite a few complementing products.

Otherwise, Athletic Greens is a no-brainer, especially when you can try it for 60 days and get a refund if you’re not happy. Remember to get their monthly auto refill program (aka autoship) for a monthly savings of $30.

2017 Update – Their site has been overhauled. Less hyped. Prices are indicated clearly on the site and test single orders no longer have automated billings attached to them. New customers, do let me know your experience with their new customer service teams as well!



Where to Purchase (Disclaimer)


athletic greens review pouch
Athletic Greens
Amazon – International


athletic greens review vs vitamineral green

Vitamineral Green
(Version 4.8, 500g or 400cap Bottles)
US/Canada: AmazoniHerb
International: iHerb


Green Vibrance
US/Canada: AmazoniHerb
International: iHerb


Amazing Grass
US/Canada: Amazon, iHerb
International: iHerb


P.S. – Earnings Disclaimer: Some people are questioning my integrity, which is a *good thing*, especially when one considers the amount of BS we’re getting from the internet nowadays. All I can say is that I posted this review *before* I became an athletic greens affiliate, and I’m an affiliate of all the products I talk about here, including AG’s competitors (which wouldn’t make sense if I’m really an employee of AG, yes?). I find good products then become their affiliates, this ensures that I can maintain my integrity while making a living off of it. As per my Disclaimer, assume all links from this site are affiliate links.

If you don’t want to use them, sure, feel free to visit their respective sites directly. If you found this useful and would like to support, do use the links here. The price to you is the same either way, though your support would definitely be appreciated, and in some cases you save even more (iherb discount code, for example).

I did notice a few more ‘honest reviews’ of AG now. Guess where they got their inspiration from 😉


  1. Emma says

    My understanding is that Athletic Greens is the same thing as what we have in Australia known as Vital Greens. I take Vital Greens every day and it is an amazing product. Mixed with iced green tea pre-workout (as recommended by the 4 Hour Body) and you can't go wrong!

    1. Aaron says

      Been looking through Vital Greens and they are very similar.

      In fact, I was very glad when you mentioned it because I was thinking ,’Yay! I can ‘sorta’ get Athletic Greens more affordably in Singapore!’

      Then I noticed the cost.

      I know things down under are expensive (I remember being mesmerised by the speeding taxi meter during my last visit to Sydney), but holy crap, I did the calculation and realise that it’s still cheaper for me to ship Athletic Greens from the US than it is for me to ship Vital Greens from AU!

      1. Jon says

        Aaron, BANG! I see the same thing. They are getting great at hidding adds in reviews. I think there should be a law that prohibits Reviews from sponsors/sellers. Bet this does not even get posted.

  2. Poul says

    Yet another "hidden" add for Athletics Green. I don't think it's a bad product but if it was really that good; why would you have to advertize in this disgusting manner? It is exactly this type of pretentios BS that turns the educated consumer away from a product. If you can fake an ad you may be faking the product as well. What is "mostly organinc" anyway??
    Stay true!

    1. Aaron says

      Honestly, I have no idea what you’re talking about.

      And it’s not a ‘hidden’ ad. It’s an ‘open’ ad. In my disclaimer I’ve already pointed out that I AM an affiliated of most, if not all the products that I talk about on this website. Here’s the difference: I only recommend those that I feel should be recommended. I will not recommend AG if I don’t feel that it’s a good product. And it’s not like I hid the disclaimer with small words at some obscure corner. It’s right there on the main menu.

      In other words, I don’t recommended a product and then say that it’s good. I discover a good product, and then recommend it.

      I’ve personally tried all of them out. As above, I tried each product for 10 days with a 1 week break in between while on a normal diet. I honestly think I’ve done a pretty good job going into enough detail while keeping things simple to explain why AG is different, instead of the endorsements you see in many other ‘reviews’ where they basically say “It’s good because it’s great!”. I even made sure to let you guys know that I’m a generally healthy person and that I’m unable to comment on AG’s effects on more serious ailments like gout or diabetes.

      Only Vitamineral Greens here is 100% Organic (or Truganic, as they use their own standard of measurement, which is supposed to be much stricter). The other products are not 100% organic, but since ‘most’ of their ingredients are organic, I simply describe them as ‘mostly organic’, which is the truth. Some, like Amazing Grass, even says it on the bottle: “Contains over 70% organic ingredients”.

      I’m totally for feedback, though I’d appreciate it if they were constructive, thanks.

    2. Jillypoo says

      Thanks for the review dude!

  3. Ken says

    Great site…thanks for the unbiased and thorough reviews.  I'm not sure what Poul is so upset about…..thanks.

  4. kimee says

    Can you tell me how you did to get Athletic Greens outside US, i really want to order it but i don't know how to do, please help me.
    Kind regards.

    1. Aaron says

      The only way I know how is to use a postal redirect service like ComGateway, but that will make it much costlier.

      While AG's working on overseas shipping options, I suggest you stick to the alternatives in the mean time.

  5. Mark says

    Thanks for the information. Have you ever tried Greens plus.? It is well reviewed and a lot less expensive.

    1. Aaron says

      I've not tried, but it seems like amazing grass with added soy lecithin as a major ingredient.

      There have been many debates about the benefits of soy. Based on my research, it's either a wonder food, or the super inflammation anti-health food. While I let you decide on that, it's interesting to note that it's a relatively cheap ingredient.

      I'd rank this between Amazing Grass and Green Vibrance as it does contain trace amounts of herbal support. But if really given the choice, I'd still put my money on Green Vibrance as it uses a more robust formula.

  6. Jake says

    Thank you for your review. I did some thorough research and it seems your review is right on point. I signed up for this program called the diet solution and there is a trustworthy nutritionist name Isabel who does a ton of research on these kind of stuff. She barely takes any supplement, but she takes this and recommends Athletic Greens. In her video she mentions that it is more of a food then supplement. Before she takes these kind of stuff she has to get inside of the company, find out about the ingredients to approve of it and talks to the CEO etc. Also version 5 came out and now it actually lists the ingredients and the amount it contains. I will look forward to taking AG, but waiting for a better income. For now I will probably take vitamineral green with fresh bee pollen to fill in the minerals. Maybe you can update this post since vitamineral green list their ingredients and the amount it contains now. By the way I find gives the best price on these products, some days it will even drop by 10 dollars. 

    1. Aaron says

      Thanks for the compliment =)

      I take pride in this and it's always nice to have someone recognise the effort and it's the same for anyone, so please share the love elsewhere too ok?

      And yes, it's basically ground up food. Some people seem to think that supplements are a bit like medicine…they actually aren't. Most of the time, it's what you want packaged in a convenient form, like AG over here.

      Thanks for the headsup on Vitamineral Green, I'll look into it!

  7. d speical says

    can you talk of caloric content

    1. Aaron says

      Honestly, I don’t see the need to because these are good calories.

      Let’s put it this way: 5000 calories of carbs vs 5000 calories of veggies. One makes you fat, the other will very likely make you super healthy.

  8. Nad says

    I wanted to buy AG based on good reviews here. But AG website makes it seems too much like crooks to order. Besides other things, when clicked "submit order", the next page was a sale page for another product, then another. I finanlly closed the window and decided not to buy anything from them. I will buy Vitamineral Green. Thank you for your reviews.

    1. Aaron says

      Yes, the sales process can feel a little pushy, especially when you are set on getting 1 product for the moment.

      Their other products are actually quite good, especially the fish oil, which is one of those things that can't be added into powders, but trust me when I say I totally understand how you feel.

      It's also a good time to practice saying 'No'. Some people might actually find that empowering. I'm one of them. lol!

      And, you’re welcome =)

    2. Michael B says

      I agree with Nad.  If it's so damn good and I'm going to like it, why do I have to have autoship on a try-it-you'll-like-it offer?  If I like it, I'll re-order and do autoship if it's going to save me money.  Although the autoship is cancellable within so many days, it assumes you'll be able to get through to them to cancel, and that they will honor your concellation request in a timely manner.  Many horror stories on the Internet about people who couldn't get autoships cancelled on various products without repeated requests.

  9. rolly says

    I really appreciate ur work. I do have a question. Is it ok to have a these products on regular basis for long period of time??
    Thanks in advance. 

    1. Aaron says

      Sure, don’t see why you wouldn’t want to use them on regular basis for long period of time

      Unlike medicine where you expect side-effects, these green formulas are food, chosen for a specific purpose and then packaged in a convenient form.

      Many fit such products into their daily lifestyle.

      Thx for appreciating my work =DD

  10. Ryan says

    Have you tried the flavored Amazing Grass products? I see they have flavors like berry, lime, chocolate, etc.

    Wondering how these would mix with complementing flavors of whey protein in a shake.

    1. Aaron says

      Nope, only tried the original.

      I guess that would be a pretty interesting experiment eh? Get the smaller bottles with different flavours, maybe one for each day of the week lol!

  11. Ryan says

    Do you know anything about the ingredients used for the flavored varieties? Would adding the flavors take away from any of the health benefits of the product?

    1. Aaron says

      That's a good point. I may need to take a look at the flavoured ones to see if there are any 'compromising' ingredients.

      In the mean time though, I would think any 'compromises' for taste is minimal as the benefit of taking the rest of the ingredients would ultimately outweight the cons.

  12. rin says

    Hi< Have you compared athletic greens or any of the other green supplements with Neways Green qi? If so, where is the comparison published?

    1. Aaron says

      I've not compared anything with Neways Green Qi yet.

      It's an mlm product (mlms are NOT scams/pyramids.) Their fact sheet is not very revealing, but from what I see so far, it's looks like a very basic greens formula with a few herbs thrown in. They seem to have a few bulking agents though, which is curious. If you're a distributor for Neways and you find that the price is reasonable, I guess you can go ahead. If you're not and are looking for alternatives, I would suggest Green Vibrance or Vitamineral Greens.

  13. Caesar says

    Great info. Thanks!
    any thoughts on how AG compares with Prograde Genesis?

    1. Josh says

      would also like your opinion on prograde. great tasting but not on the cheap side

  14. David says

    Superfood Grasses, Herbs and Antioxidants – The last sentence of the last paragraph in this section has a spelling error. (thought > though)

    1. Aaron says

      Got it =)

  15. PC says

    You know it is available in the UK now 😉 Nice comparison thanks!

    1. Aaron says

      In fact, they’re not only up for the UK!

      For Athletic Greens in the UK and Ireland – Click Here

      For Germany, Austria and Switzerland – Click here

      Thanks for the heads-up btw =)

  16. Walter G. Dickson says

    Hi Aaron,
    My wife and I each take a fair swag of separate supplements a day in an attempt to stave off the effects of advancing years. As Kiwi pensioners, It's now getting rather too expensive to keep this up. This is the main reason I was attracted to Chris the Kiwi's clever yet humerous advertising blurb. Another reason is that up until a few years ago, the international nature of my work, also took my wife and I to many places around the world and this leads me to the main reason for my comment or rather, question. If  'Athletic Greens' is manufactured right here in New Zealand, why is it only possible for us as Kiwis to purchase from USA, in effect, costing us shipping both to and from America? I'm afraid the only way we personally could afford a regular supply of 'Athletic Greens would be if we could buy it here. This is very important to us and I'd really appreciate a well considered response. However, please pass on our congratulations to Chris, our successful fellow Kiwi. 
    Many thanks,
    W G D.

    1. Aaron says

      Hey Walter,

      Glad to see that you're taking ownership of your health.

      It's true, the way some things are set up in this world are a little counter intuitive. Imagine you're a tourist from mainland China and you decide to buy some souveniers in New Zealand, chances are it's made in China as well!

      That said however, you're not the only one in the same predicament. For those of us who are looking for affordable alternatives, or have trouble bringing it in due to our location, feel free to use alternatives you can find, including those in the comparison above. I wrote about my thoughts in 'Top 3 Athletic Greens Alternatives', so do have a look when you have the time.

      But remember though, supplements can only do so much, having healthy eating habits and an active lifestyle is arguably more important!

      I'll pass on the word to Chris =)

      Ahh…it's been many years since I last visited New Zealand…missing the views and the pristine air over there =)


  17. Marcia says

    If I take Athletic Greens can I stop taking my multi vitamin, Calcium, VitD, and FishOil? Can AGs be given to children?

    1. Aaron says

      It depends on your needs really.

      AG’s used like a multi-vit, so if you want to I believe you can stop that. Vit D and Fish Oil should still be taken however, as they are oils that aren’t part of the AG make up. Calcium, if you still need it, should also be continued.

  18. Merrill says

    Thanks, Aaron, for the thorough work that you do.  The three things that I do take now are fish oil and  Vit D and calcium.  Interesting that I would still have to take them separately.  Of course, I would not have thought of that, if you had not just said that.

    So, my wonder is if I start taking Athletic Greens, for example, would I have to always take them, because my body becomes dependent on them?  Probably should say my body and mind, yes?

    1. Aaron says

      Glad I helped =)

      For those of you who’re unsure, it’s because omega 3 and vitamin d tend to be in oil form while calcium takes up a lot of space, that’s why they tend to be huge, so it’s not suitable to be added in powder products.

      I guess it’s like exercise. Technically, you do not need to exercise to live, so you’re not dependent on it. But, if you want the benefits, then you’d need to do it often, yes? Same with AG. You will never be dependent on it, but if you feel that it benefits you by taking it, then sure, go ahead.

  19. Morrie Louden says

    Hello Aaron,

    I must say, your review and links etc… are set up like you are advertising for Athletic Greens. And with all due respect, your response to Walters post is jive. He's asking for your help and your response is blowing him off…… I apologize if you are truly independent but, It sounds and looks like you have a connection to the company. I don't trust it. Sure would be nice if it was real though…


    1. Aaron says

      No issue, and I don’t blame you.

      Like I’ve mentioned before, I’m am affiliate for all these products. A difference is that I put up links for all competing products, and I only recommend something that I like. So in a way, you’d be right in saying that I’m advertising for AG. For me though, the biggest concern is truth. It started out for me with the PAGG reviews because there were 2 companies making similar products, but one was screwing up the ingredients. With regards to AG, I had a few questions – Why is it so expensive? How can I order it outside of the US? What alternatives are there for those who are in similar situations as me?

      Then of course, why not earn a little side money from this?

      So I’m connected in the sense that I’m an affiliate (as per my disclaimer), but the difference is I became an affiliate only because I liked the product, unlike most others out there who like the product because it was a great product to sell, etc. I hope you can sense the difference.

      Re Walters, I wasn’t blowing him off, it’s the truth. If you’re not in the know, for example, then it would be counter-intuitive to run a business with different departments being outsourced to different parts of the world. Why not just put everything under 1 roof? Even Tim advocates outsourcing because of cost-savings, etc. In this case, it could be that AU/NZ are not big markets for the product, but is big in the US, so the distribution system has been set up as such. Like I’m from Singapore, you’d think that because I’m closer to AU than the US, ordering things from AU would be cheaper wouldn’t it? But that’s far from the truth.

      Also, I offered him an alternative while passing his message verbatim to the guys at AG. I highly doubt I’d do that if I were trying to blow him off =)

  20. RealFood says

    It's entirely possible that you're a full-of-it sales guy, and I suppose the opposite is just as possible.

    Either way, I think you should restructure your marketing technique because this method of somewhat hidden promotion (regardless of how transparent you claim you're being by admitting association with AG) makes you look (to me) like a real crook who is preying on the wallets of trusting people who don't know any better and likely will experience a placebo effect at best.

    I genuinely hope this is my rare pessimist showing, and that you're not the complete slimeball you've painted yourself as here.

    1. Aaron says

      With all the BS out there, I don’t blame you lol

  21. Emm says

    Hi Aaron, thanks for your review. The one thing you didn’t mention in discussing taste is that AG uses stevia. I was delighted when I opened AG and the smell was of pineapple and a sweetness—so unlike the grassy smell of most greens drinks. But, after using AG for a few days, I had dizziness. Looking up stevia, I found others claiming the same reaction. I wish AG would eliminate the stevia (and maybe “up” the pineapple for sweetness), (There’s even some research connecting stevia with cancer, though the process may be debatable.)

    1. Aaron says

      Ic, that’s interesting, because stevia seems to be the sugar alternative of choice, as opposed to other sweeterners like sucralose.

      As always, our bodies are all different, if it doesn’t work for you then you should stop it

  22. Ginger says

    I just started taking Lipitor and  the doctor had to decrease the dosage but told me to take Co Q 10.  It seems like Athletic Greens have this ingredient in it as you listed above.  I'm wondering if I take Athletic Greens would I still have to take the Co Q 10.  Yes, as stated above, Co Q 10 is expensive so if I can stop taking it separately, and just use Athletic Greens, the cost would be better for AG.



  23. Judy E says

    Because of your recommendation, I ordered the free trial offer.  This company's product may (or may not) be good, but their policies and "customer happiness agents" are the worst company to deal with that I have ever encountered in my life.  I was sent an offer for a "FREE" trial (emphasized by capital letters), then charged $10 for shipping AND automatically put into a $97/month automatic sending program.  I could cancel within 21 days.  Within that time, I called to say I don't want the automatic shipments; I don't do business that way; I want to call if I want it shipped.  The person on the phone told me that I'd be charged $97, anyway, and that I'd have to send back the greens I received.  I told her my offer was free for the first month.  She argued with me, high-pressuring me into this payment that hadn't been on the trial offer.  She said I'd receive a cancellation email, which never came.  I called back and spoke with Bo, the supervisor.  He was more reasonable and said her statements were all wrong.  The second agent, Ann, is in the PHILLIPINES!!  She told me that I was unable to reach Chris, the owner.  By the time I finished the call with Jennifer, I was distrusted this company completely.  Even if they have a good product, their company is a nightmare to deal with.  Stay away.  There are other green products out there.

    1. Michael B says

      This is the problem with most autoship programs.  You can't stop it in time to avoid paying for the second month.  Getting credit for a returned shipment is usually a nightmare.  Bottom line is that there is no free trial — ever.

  24. frank says

    i like athletic greens but the one problem i have is that the package was changed from a bottle to a pouch.i have written them and they gave me all kind of reasons why but the pouch is a waste the powder sticks to the sides inside and for the price it is not worth it.

    1. KBJ says

      I had previously been an AG subscriber and was considering starting back up until I noticed this as well. Not to mention the pouch doesn't look like something I just paid $100 for.

  25. cb says

    thanks for this review. however i keep wanting to see a comparison to akea essentials. i wish it were included. anything you and others can say on it? comparison?  thanks

  26. cb says


    though it appears safe i hate the taste of stevia and wish "the best fromula" didnt have it in it.

  27. Gene says


    I am 50+ male and fairly active..I will be trying the AG and will give it an honest try. I will report back when the product arrives and I actually start the testing…lol..I don't have any current aliments and require about 4-6 hrs of sleep..I am normally energized during the day..I do take my exercise routine during my lunch break. I am really curious about this product. It really appears that for any of the supplements the reviews are by people affiliated with the product..So we lay-people are very skeptical..really wish there was a un-biased review….If any who read this and are not affliated with AG, please post your experience with the product..for sure there are many who would benefit….

  28. Gene says


    I just received my first batch of AG..I will start my independent review today.

    I have taken my first dose as I am fairly active and over 175lbs, my second dose will happen sometime after my workout…As the recommendation is two dosages per day for my size and activity level…My last post on this site was not posted, I am not sure why or it was removed…

    Aaron, please email me if there is some problem with me posting here..

  29. gene says

    seems my post are not posting…I am on day 3 of AG..The main thing was the taste, maybe i had it too I am using more water now and it taste better now. Don't really feel anything any different at this point, but since im only on day 3, not sure what i should be feeling..more post to come..

    1. SARKEY says

      Hello Gene, please give an update of your progress. I want to try AG, but I am a little skeptical os scams. Thanks

  30. Douglas Gray says

    I am surprised you did not compare with PURE SYNERGY; do you know under what conditions the ingredients in these other products are grown and harvested?

    Having used PURE SYNERGY and also the others you mentioned, it is clearly a better product


    1. Aaron says

      No offence dude, but there are sooooooo many products out there, it’s really hard to keep up unless you’re a pro, like a magazine reviewer or something.

      It’s not practical for me to follow-up with every single comparison request, not to mention those who are so obviously passionate about their chosen product to the point where, well, they’re surprised I’ve not heard of xxyyzz.

      But thanks, I’ll give check it out if I come across it, though I’ll be frank, I’ll only be posting a comparison or a review/article if it’s warranted, i.e., it’s an industry changing thing, super value for money, scam, etc.

      I thank you for your support and I ask for your understanding and patience in this matter

  31. dave says

    Well-   isn't all this discussion re AG very interesting.   The formula sounds quite good, but all the beefing about the expense (the most expensive) and the pushiness and complicated way the company does business turns me off so bad that I am not even going to begin with it.   What a great way of turning off a potential customer.  Anyone at AG's who might be reading this might want to wake up a bit- make it affordable, and easy to deal with.   Pushy ways of doing business ensure that you will fail sooner than later.    Brilliant.   

  32. Brad says


    what I find strange about Athletic Greens is that they claim the product is made in New Zealand but you can't buy it in New Zealand or in Australia ? This to me seems really strange as most companies would at least sell to their local market first and then most New Zealand companies establish a market in Australia next before moving on to the US or Europe.

    It makes me nervous when something a company tells you doesn't add up. I then have to start wondering about other claims they have made. 

  33. Brad says

    OK, sorry I did some further digging and found that Athletic Greens are made in NZ by what I can see a pretty good company. I'm not sure if the product is packaged in NZ or is shipped to the US in bulk and packaged there.

    If it is packaged in NZ then I can't see why they haven't set up a local distributor in  Australia or NZ to supply these countries.

  34. Doug says

    I tried it and got no noticable benefits. Taste was OK and all.

    Was not happy with customer support.  After cancelling I tried to get a credit for unshipped resupply but was told erroneously that I was paying for the trial package. BS!!

  35. Cole says

    If you are indeed a business rep., good job you convinced me.

    If you are indeed someone who is simply doing a comparison, good job you convinced me.

    Did some research of my own and backed up pretty much everything you said yourself. Either way, your work is appreciated, even if you were secretly a rep. the whole time.

    1. Aaron says

      I’m not an employee or a ‘rep’, in the traditional sense, of Athletic Greens. As per my disclaimer and comments above, I completed this comparison before I became an affiliate.

      Being an affiliate means that I only get a small cut if you decide to support this site by using the links provided. It’s a very similar system to what many use with Amazon.

      As for your comments – thanks…always..always good to hear when my own research is vindicated and that someone has benefited from it =)

  36. Maia Murray says

    Have you tried Innerlight Super Greens?  I'd be interested to know how it stacks up against these?


  37. Marsha says

    Maybe I’m just lucky..haven’t had any problems with the company yet…I was bad for awhile and didn’t take AG everyday like you are supposed to and got ahead on my product. I emailed them and asked them if I could postpone my autoship for a couple of problem..they did what I asked.
    the product is yummy mixed with water and I’ve mixed it in my smoothies as well.
    I’m not wild about the bag either, but I got an email telling me about the change, so I saved one of my
    anytime you order a product that says 30 days can expect that means you will be autoshipped and charged up front..same thing happened when I ordered some makeup…you just have to read all the fine print.
    the price seems steep, until you analyse the product..don’t know how long I can do it either as I’m getting old quick…lol…social security isn’t looking too promising at this point…but as long as I can keep working I’m going to try to continue with the product..
    I can’t give the product a fair review because I don’t take anything like I’m suppose to..ugh..I hate that I do that..but I’m going to try hard..again. I really need to because I work night shift..and that’s bad for you to..maybe when I start to take it correctly I will let you know if my energy level increases…wish me luck.
    thanks for listening.

  38. Cyn says

    Hello. I was very interested in AG until I read all the negativity about their sales techniques. It would seem to me that if you are affiliated with them, you'd help them improve their customer experience if these complaints were passed along. If AG doesn't care that customers are leaving because of their practices, they are fools. 

    Thank you. 

  39. Heather says

    I saw no disclaimer that you were affiliated with Athletic Greens when I first read this "review", nor when I went back and searched for such a disclaimer.  Furthermore, to say you are affiliated with all of the products/compaines addressed in your review, seems a little deceptive.  Are you affiliated with them simply because their ads run on your page?  Are you making a "little side money" from each company for your endorsement, or only from Athletic Greens?  My guess is only from Athletic Greens.  Seems to me, it would be a conflict of interest, for all four companies to pay you to endorse their products simultaneously, and for you to then pit them against one another.  I mean, really, what company, in their right mind, would pay someone to list them as runner up to one of their competitors?  

    Maybe you really do stand behind Athletic Greens' product, but you should've done yourself, and them, a favor and not have taken any money in conjunction with your review.  It only detracts from your creditability and theirs.

    To: Judy E…

    Didn't you read the fine print?  Is anything really "free" these days?  Even before reading the terms and conditions, I suspected that customers enrolling in the free trial, would be automatically billed if they didn't opt-out, or cancel future shipments, within a predetermined time period.  Also, unless the company's website has changed since you signed up, the shipping fee is listed on the the check out page, where you're prompted to enter your credit card information.  Which bring me to my next point…if you're requested to provide your credit card information, there's a good chance that you will incur some sort of charge, at some point, for something.

    Although, the web site does state what you can generally expect upon enrolling in the free trial program, the details of their terms and conditions are somewhat inconsistent with the information found on the checkout page.   This, alone, would make me hesitant to order from them.  If thier product is that phenomenal, why the need for gimmicks and forced future shipments?  Let people try it.  If it's that effective, they'll come back for more on their own.

    1. Aaron says

      The disclaimer is quite large on the menu bar, but here’s the link just in case: Disclaimer. There’s a reason why it’s there, big and bold, instead of being hidden, usually with tiny fonts in footers elsewhere. I’ll post the paragraph here for everyone’s benefit: 

      Affiliate links are used throughout the site. I do receive a small commission for products sold through these links and your purchase price remains the same whether or not you use these links. These affiliate links include, but are not limited to, links to Pareto Nutrition’s PAGG Stack, Newhealth Solution’s PAGG Stack, Amazon, iHerb, Miracle Noodles and Bodybuilding.” – See more at: Disclaimer

      As for how I got affiliated, I don’t blame you if you missed the comment, but I reviewed this product THEN got affiliated.

      I find good products that I like, review them, then look for ways to monetise them. That’s my modus operandi…though I understand it’s kinda hard for that fact to be proven…but at the end of the day, it’s very simple: If you found anything useful here and you’d like to support, then feel free to use the links here. The price to you is the same (sometimes cheaper) and I get a small cut, win-win. If you feel uncomfortable with that, then feel free to just skip the links and proceed to the product site of choice via the address bar or google. The price to you is again, the same, and even though I don’t get a cut in this case, the most important thing to me is that you benefited from the information provided here and that puts a smile on my face =)

      Btw, thanks guys for all the comments here and your emails, They are taken to heart and your support and appreciation hasn’t gone unnoticed. This site wouldn’t be what it is today without every single one of you.

  40. M.Curran says

    Have you ever reviewed Texas Superfood? 

    I just received my trial offer …..and will post a review later…thank you….

  41. Patrick Hunter says

    Athletic Greens advertises a "Risk Free" 21 day trial – with clear suggestions that you only need to pay $9.00 shipping and handling to try the product – HOWEVER read the fine print, they will withhold over $100 from your account and if you do not cancel you will be billed the full product price, plus the shipping and handling. THIS PRODUCT is no better than many other green products, however much higher in price and they use deceptive marketing techniques to suck people into paying their over charge. DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT TO PROTEST THIS DECEPTIVE MARKETING TECHNIQUE.

  42. Shar says


    I'm a vegan and I find that I can't eat a ton of meals everyday. I was wondering if the Athletic Greens would help with gas because now I have a huge problem with my stomach making noise all the time. I want to know if this product is good for digestive issues.

  43. Grant says

    Have you ever thought about blinding your comparisons? It wouldn't be perfect (you wouldn't include a placebo, but that would be difficult to do in a lot of cases with the resources you have available), but it would give more credibility to the subjective side of your review ("I felt better taking X" "After only a couple days, I started to feel the difference Y was making", etc.) because hype-induced placebo effect is a thing that happens.

    1. Aaron says

      That's a very, very good point actually. Unfortunately, it wouldn't work on me now because I'm already familiar with the taste.

      I would think the placebo effect is mostly negated because I didn't expect it to work. I really thought it was an overpriced product. A placebo would be in effect if I expect it to be good. Also part of the reason why I was surprised at the result and the taste.. I didn't expect it to taste good.

      The next best thing now would be to do a slightly longer term test, maybe a month or 2 months each. Honestly though, that's a bit of a commitment I'm not willing to make. I'm not a very disciplined body hacker lol.

  44. Rosa Aaron says

    Thanks for the comparison. However, can you confirm that you didn't receive any endorsements, pay and/or any type of compensation from Athletic Green to endorse its product and/or publishing your results? 

    1. Aaron says

      Please scroll up a little bit. No offence, but I’ve answered this too many times already. Read the Disclaimer Here.

  45. Miz says

    Very nice job on this website and your information is very helpful.  I am late 50's and realize that staying healthy is the most valuable asset I have, much more than money.  I was curious about the 4 products you selected.  After doing some online research, one that keeps coming as top rated is Kylea’s Total Living Drink Greens.  I completely understand you cannot review every product and items change since your review in 2011.  If you have any input on Kylea’s Total Living Drink Greens and how you think it compares to Athletic Greens, it would be great to hear.  Thanks again for very informative website. 

  46. Miles says

    Is the Athletic Greens product ok to take for short periods then get off for a while or do you need to take continuously? As I have certain really busy months of work that it would use it for.

    Mainly looking for a good energy booster instead of 5 hour energy and met-rx bars.

    1. Aaron says

      Treat it like food, or exercise – it’s meant to be a long term thing.

  47. Andy says

    Hi Aaron, I was reading through every question and comment. I am actually pretty convinced about this product and I'm willing to try it out. Thanks! I do have one question though, would it be possible that AG would maybe work a little faster if I put about a tablespoon extra in the mornings? Or even if I just drink a second cup with just a tablespoon for lunch? Just a thought. Please and thank you 🙂

    1. Aaron says

      Wouldn’t be surprised if it did, you can try. Remember, at the end of the day, it’s still food, so technically, you can have it 5 times a day if you want. That’ll be bloody expensive though lol.

      I suggest you take it slow and see if you like it first, don’t over commit too early

  48. Mike says

    Not the Miracle it's touted up to b. TOO COSTLY!!

  49. john popp says

    Hello! Thank you for this article, very informative. After reading this it made me want to try the product out. So I did.. lol. Friggin great product! I did the free trail and have been taking it for about 2 weeks and I feel great! I have more energy and I noticed when I workout my endurance is a little better. I do also feel a little more clear headed. I think this stuff isn’t that expensive if you really think about it. It breaks down to about 3 dollars a day.. theirs your breakfast.. superhealthy breakfast.. that’s not much more expensive than what you spend everyday on the crap you probably normally eat. I didn’t like how they push their other products when you buy their stuff but its called suggestive sales and If your in sales you do it!! ie: would you like frys with that.. suggestive sales.. hello! I’m a frycook in a cafeteria and I suggest things that people might also like.. vitamin d3 is also very important and is one of the vitamins that most people are low on (d3 is the sunshine molecule).

  50. Rick St Thomas says

    …interesting review. For me, it didn't pass the smell test. This guy's review still reads like a shill for Athletic Greens. just sayin'. I don't take any of the products mentioned. I don't pay any attention to these "genre" of products so I'm no well informed. I do however, know how to do critical thinking.

    1. Aaron says


  51. William McCarthy says

    Hi – Started the athletic greens yesterday 01/28/14 and I'll write again in several days and let you know how I feel.  I usually take several supplements during the day, multi, etc. and I'll stop that for now to see what happens.  One thing I notice is the Atheletic Greens do not contain Quercitin. Quercitin is expensive and I hope I can do without it. I'm glad the greens do contain CO Q10 as that is also expensive.  I'm 72 and in good shape.  In the last year I have had problems with my legs such as a burning sensation on the surface of theigh areas (neuropathy?) and I'd love to see that disapate.  The only other issue I have is I have a pacemaker and that's no big deal, otherwise the heart is fine.  I've been practicing martial arts more than 30 years and I'm still quite flexible. So…. I'll let you know how I feel.

  52. Fred Lee says

    Aaron,Waitng for 1st delivery,at 73,I:m not a big vegie guy but will see what happens,both with the AG product and with the sales side.I;ve been aroun enough to KNOW "BUYER BEWARE' and if it sounds to good to be true,it probably isn;t. Having said that IF the product works,AG will find astacnh supporter.

  53. rc says

    You call this a true and unbiased review?

    It reads like you were paid by Athletic Greens.


    1. Aaron says

      Read the disclaimer (which is now beside ‘Where To Buy’) and all my comments above.

  54. Helen says

    Hello, what is the safest dosage of D3 to take while on AG?

    1. Aaron says

      I suggest you check with the guys on AG

  55. Diane says

    I just started taking AG,I noticed if your over 170lbs. You have to take it 2 times a day. I'm 200lbs.,I been taking it only in the morning,taking it 2 times a day is too exspecive for me. Will that be alright to do?

    I wish I knew before ordered that you had take 2 times a day over 170,I paid up front on the monthly order. Is it cheaper that$77 a month plus ship.




    1. Aaron says

      No you don’t. It’s preferable of course, more is definitely better, especially for ‘larger’ folk, but keep it within your means. If you don’t want to spend the money, don’t buy it. If you don’t to spend double and only wish to stick to a single serving a day, please do.

  56. Mitch says

    Thanks for your reviews.  I am having a difficult time sifting through the information as to what is real and what is marketing/sales.  I read about the 100 year old marathoner who made his "cocktail"  and they used his story to sell AG.  Who is getting paid to advertise this? After reading the comments, I just cancelled my autoship and will see if I get a response.  I had used greens before from Isagenix which is a MLM.    Do you have an opinion on Isgenix product line and they advertise their whey protein from New Zealand but I don't know where the greens are manufactured? They are growing quickly.  Again I am having a difficult time sifting the information on quality product vs the sales pitch.  Many of the companies have a large panel of expert doctors so that even makes it more confusing. Any guidance on how to do some quality research as a consumer would be helpful.  Thank you.


    Edit – Mitch, I understand you wanted your picture removed, so I deleted the attached email from your comments.

    1. Aaron says

      I'm honestly not familier with that story so I can't comment on that. I'll keep an eye out for that.

      Isagenix is a reputable company. As I recall, they're also a big white label supplement company, so quite a few of the brands you see on the market are also made by them.

      You have to remember that at the end of the day, these doctors are being paid by these companies to help sell their products, so always take what they say with a grain of salt. Do that to reviews like mine as well. You'll notice some of the comments here question my integrity – that's the right thing to do.

      One tip is to focus on the facts, not which doctor is saying what. It's not easy of course, and I understand your predicament. I've previous experience in sales and I spend a lot of time researching my facts so I've kinda grown a 6th sense when it comes to sniffing out BS, but then again, even that intuition took time to develop. So all I can say for now is focus on the facts…and good luck XD

  57. Helen says

    I read the reviews then checked with Consumer Labs to see which Products passed their reviews. They test for ingredients like lead and arsenic in supplements. I am a member and the $30 a year is worth it many times over when you buy supplements like I do.  One is listed with them. The Green Vibrance and it is not good,. I would hope someone doing a review of these products would research what is in them first. You are giving a review to people without being fully informed. I do not care how something tastes if it has 3 or 4 times the amount of arsenic in it!!!! 

  58. Allie says

    Can I do Athletic Greens and Herblife at the same time? I ordered one and a friend ordered me the other so I have both

    1. Aaron says

      Sure, why not. Herbalife’s a reputable company that has some good distributors and great products.

  59. Luz Benedict says

    I have read all the comments above both from you and everyone else, yet no one has said 'anything' about losing weight! Therefore, HAS ANYONE LOST ANY  WEIGHT USING ATHLETIC GREENS? Please go into details if you have used their weight loss plan and Athletic Greens simultaneously.

    1. Aaron says

      Nope, I’ve not used their weight loss plan. I also don’t really see it as a weight loss supplement to be honest. A weight loss aid – maybe, but I’d rather you focus on what’s important – habits, diet and exercise.

  60. Fred Lee says

    Aaron, I've recieved AG on 1 Feb and followed package. I now am on 2nd AG.As yet found not much change but talked to AG repreps and found very helpful.We discussed the use of Ag and are both understanding that because of individuals metablizisms , it may taken more then a couple of months to see any change. Basically I say this so others who may be skepitcal of the product will give it a chance and if no change,stop purchasing.As for me,at 73,will go for a .Ohfew more months Oh! don't forget to eat properly and execise.

    1. Aaron says

      Definitely. I was surprised I managed to see results so quickly when I tested it, but as always, different people will react differently, so do keep us posted!

  61. Jean says

    Thanks for taking the time to do the research and for sharing, very good information.

    1. Aaron says

      Glad I helped =)

  62. ALR says

    Are there any side effects if you use it to get ur result and then stop? would you gain it all back?



    1. Aaron says

      I’m assuming you’re talking about weight?

      Please don’t use this product alone for weight loss. I know they’re pushing hard on this, but honestly, you’re not going to lose fat if the only change you’re gonna make is to add AG to your diet.

  63. Mary-RP Rainey says

    nb.: Athletic Greens provides no Vitamin D. A reviewer should point out (1)that there is a serious deficiency of that essential vitamin across the U.S., thanks to the ignorance of the FDA, and (2)that Athletic Greens should be supplemented with reliably assimilable Vitamin D along with its synergistic partner, Vitamin K2.

    1. Aaron says

      They do sell Vitamin D alongside AG. It has to be a seperate product because Vit D is usually delivered in oil.

      The price and quality is reasonable so feel free to take up the offer.

  64. Lisa says

    I have been researching Athletic Greens and hear only great things.  Thank you so much for you review and for answering so many questions for folks.   Have you ever tried Prograde Genesis ?  Just curious how their 'greens drink' compares to AG.   Thanks so much !

    1. Aaron says

      Yea, prograde’s marketing was very strong for some time and they have a very lucrative affiliate program so lots of people are promoting it. As far as I can tell though, it’s not as holistic as AG. Note that I’ve no tried it and that’s just based on ingredients.

  65. Jacked says

    I've been taking the recommended amount of Athletic Greens daily for three months.No wieght loss at all.Too pricy w/o substancial results.

    1. Aaron says

      Please don’t use this product alone for weight loss. I know they’re pushing hard on this, but honestly, you’re not going to lose fat if the only change you’re gonna make is to add AG to your diet.

  66. Ben says

    Thank you Aaron for your review. It's a very interesting and detailed review. Could you, please, write a review about Maximum Vibrance by Vibrant Health. It says that it has 120 ingredients. On it sells for $38 – 40 (about 25 oz. or 703 g. On the Vibrant Health website it sells for $75. If you can, please, write a review about this product as I like to buy it. Thank you very much.

    1. Aaron says

      It’s a slightly different product because mamximum vibrance is meant to be a meal replacement, not a supplement.

      I guess you can take it as green vibrance + more protein and fiber.

  67. Dylan says

    Can AGs be given to children?

    1. Aaron says

      AG’s essentially veggies, not drugs, or vitamins even (not isolated compounds). Don’t see why not.

  68. Dorian Ferrari says

    I appreciate the honest review, but by principal I don't trust, nor will buy anything that has to come directly from a company.  Too many scams done that way that once they have your payment info, never lets go. They need to put in out in the marketplace before I see it as anything more than a way to get people to subscibe.

  69. Tia says

    I too have been a long time user of the Vibrant Health Green Vibrance, and this review is very inaccurate. “Good ingredients but only I trace amounts?” Let’s also skip over the fact that there are 25 BILLION strains of probiotics in the formula and try to find something negative to say about it instead.

    Just an FYI, this was the original Green Superfood blend and the formula evolves all of the time because the formulator still stays on top of the latest research. AG is just an imitation of GV. You can watch the YouTube video by the owner of Vibrant Health and learn much more than you will here.

    I agree with Dr J. This review was a waste of time.

    1. Aaron says

      1. Because it’s mostly greens, as mentioned above. If you look at the amount of the ingredients, there are less of each. Let’s put it this way – 2 products might have the same 99 ingredients, but the proportion of each in the formula will make a difference.
      2. There are a few strains, but 25 billion of them. Yes, it probably has more probiotics, but that’s not the focus. I’m reviewing the table, not just 1 of the legs.
      3. I was accused of skipping over a lot of things, and yet the 25 billion probiotics seems to be the main thing that was brought up.
      4. Being first, doesn’t necessarily make something better. Fujitsu made the 1st tablets, Compaq made the 1st smart phones. They were terrible and the world has already forgotten them. Results matter. So GV is good, no doubt about it. 1st you say? Great! But is it better/best? Up for debate.

  70. Martha says

    It is with great enthusiasm that I have started following your eating style as I am having great success with it. There is a question in which I would appreciate an answer if you have a few moments. The 4 hour body eating style says no fruit. The greens (powder form that I put in a capsule) that I was using before starting the 4 hour body eating style has a fruit blend as well as a vegetable blend, greens blend, liver health blend, digestive enzyme blend, and oxyphyte antioxidant blend. I would like to start taking these greens again. Will it okay because they have the fruit blend? Thank you for your help with this question.

    1. Aaron says

      I believe it’s fine. The main issue with fruit is the sugars, which a lot of people forget about. The sugars would have been removed when making these powders

  71. Barbara Meiners says

    Thanks…I took Athletic Greens for 2 years then stopped because of the price. Recently heard about Patriot Greens that the military uses for it’s older men. Even though their comparison to A.G. was better…I personally felt more energy on A. G. than on P.G.. You didn’t cover P.G.
    .I am 81 and female.

    1. Aaron says

      You’re 81 and you’re commenting on the internet?? My much younger dad can varely use his phone lol!

      You m’am, deserve a salute!

  72. Aaron Ure says

    Aaron I am new to this dietary greens stuff but I am miffed that the recommended product on many sites is the Athletic greens. It is made here in New Zealand and yet we cannot buy it from the distributor, I contacted their support office and it seems they can only sell to the US and Canada.

  73. Al says


    Thanks for the review!
    What do you mean by “There was an obvious improvement in bowel movements as well”?
    What was the improvement?


    1. Aaron says

      Regular crapping =)

  74. siti says

    thank you for this post, I am a big big fan of this site would like to proceed updated.

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